Tranexamic Acid

TXA use in trauma

Research has also indicated that when Tranexamic Acid (TXA) is administered there is a significant reduction in mortality. Furthermore, it appears that overall mortality can be reduced further if TXA is administered within three hours of injury. It is therefore recommended that TXA be administered to patients who are early in the prehospital setting in order to address ATC via its antifibrinolytic mechanisms.

It is essential that the paramedic or prehospital clinician managing the patient presenting with ATC has a thorough knowledge of the pathophysiology of the condition. Such knowledge highlights the importance of the treatment regimes discussed and enables the clinician to provide management strategies to address the lethal triad of trauma via temperature management, prevention of deterioration of acidosis, and the avoidance of dilution coagulopathy through the application of permissive hypotension. Furthermore, it provides the paramedic with an understanding of the benefits of early administration of TXA in order to manage hyperfibrinolysis.