About us

Our Mission:

To further the benefit of CPD to all Ambulance and Pre-Hospital Staff

Our Goals:

To offer quality CPD that is interesting and beneficial to users, that is constantly evolving to help meet individuals’ learning styles,
and that is easily accessible to all

Our Story

Our journey started in 2015 where our Director started www.ambulancecpd.com as part of his BSc (Hons) in Enhanced Paramedic Practice. A full-time Paramedic himself for a number of years, the website was created to explore the benefits of E-learning within the Pre-hospital environment and how it could benefit staff.

What was identified was that staff responded positively to on-the-go CPD and a platform that made CPD easy to complete, interesting, and fun. After finishing his Degree, our Director continued to add to Ambulance CPD, creating new CPD content which was different from ‘standard’ E-learning CPD.

The user base of the website continued to grow as more content and varied CPD were added to the site. As interest continued, more developments and expansion were required to continue meeting users’ needs. Soon there were users from outside of the UK logging on to the site to access the CPD content.

With larger numbers of users and international demand, in 2020 Ambulance CPD was relaunched as the website you see today. Now with a large user base and members from all over the world, Ambulance CPD offers benefits to all levels of Ambulance and Pre-hospital staff for their CPD needs.

Sign up to access all of our CPD on site

Whether you’re a Paramedic, Emergency Technician, Emergency Care Assistant, First Responder, or Medical Responder, we have industry specific CPD written by our own practicing Paramedics, aimed at all skill levels.


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