
CPD Categories

Here we have our CPD Categories on display, helping you choose what subject you want to start doing CPD in.

Welcome to our CPD Categories

Here are the CPD Categories available on site. Working as Ambulance clinicians within the pre-hospital environment means that we can come across all manner of calls ranging wide spectrum of emergency and primary care. Our content has been neatly categorised into the elements below. This means that if you are looking for CPD within a specific area, such as Respiratory, then you can click on the link in the menu or below and access the content we have available on it. Additionally to this, we have our Download CPD section, where you can access downloadable CPD content which you can fill in and print off. Have a look in our menu for this.

Our CPD comes in a variety of ways from Quizzes, Scenarios, Workbooks, Videos, and more. We want to be able to offer a wide range of CPD content and types so that we can make CPD which is inclusive to all learning styles. New content is regularly updated each month meaning that our site is always growing. Along with our other CPD services such as the CPD Diary and Portfolio Builder, you can now complete a lot of your required CPD all in one place.

See what CPD Categories we have to offer below:


Traumatic jobs can range in their setting and environment where injuries can vary depending on the mechanism. Traumatic scenarios can create difficulties for ambulance staff where they have to review safety aspects, consider trauma pathology and its’ differing management, manage extrication and transport of patients to potential major trauma centres, and so on. Depending on your location in the country and role, crews may go long periods of time between trauma calls and patients, leaving the potential for some knowledge and skill fade.

Trauma CPD


CBRN and HAZMAT are areas which Ambulance staff rarely have much training or awareness in. Apart from dealing with Covid-19, it is rare that you will come across a CBRN or HAZMAT job in your career. That being said, CBRN and HAZMAT can be extremely dangerous and can catch crews out who have little knowledge or experience. The environments they create can be deadly and require a complex multi-agency response.

Many services have HART and SORT teams who have additional training and equipment to be able to deal with certain CBRN and HAZMAT settings, but having an awareness can help you in identifying potential hazards and threats, and what you can try to do when arriving on scene.


Special Incidents:

Within the pre-hospital setting there are a number of special incidents involving trauma or medical cases which require specific treatment and care. These incidents can include burns, drowning, maternity, and more. These jobs are not the usual run of the mill for Ambulance clinicians, and some knowledge and skill fade may be present. Covering a number of these special situations, we have CPD content in the form of quizzes, videos, and workbooks to help you keep your knowledge up to date.

Special Incidents CPD


Paediatrics are often jobs which cause a lot of unease for Ambulance clinicians. With differing physiological process from adults, paediatric cases can present a challenge to any Ambulance clinician. With more information and training coming available in pre-hospital care, more is expected from Ambulance staff when they are called to paediatric patients.

Paediatrics CPD


Respiratory illness can present with numerous pathologies resulting in great distress and difficulty for the patient. There can be chronic illnesses ranging from COPD, to acute episodes such as anaphylaxis. With numerous different presentations, clinicians need to be ready to follow different medical pathways depending on the disease.

Respiratory CPD


Cardiovascular presentations can be a common job for Ambulance clinicians to attend. Many patients call 999 complaining of chest pain and other symptoms where they think they may be having a heart attack. The spectrum for pre-hospital cardiovascular care can cover a large number of subjects from pathology, to ECG recognition and interpretation.

Cardiovascular CPD


Neurological presentations in the pre-hospital field can be challenging for Ambulance clinicians due to not being able to see what is going on inside a patients’ head. A number of abnormal behaviours or symptoms could be attributed to a wide range of pathophysiology from ischaemic or heamorrhagic strokes, traumatic brain injury, secondary brain injury, and so on.

Neurological CPD


Pre-hospital abdominal presentations can be difficult for Ambulance staff. Due to the number of organs and potential pathologies contained within the abdominal cavity, abdominal presentations can give little for Ambulance clinicians to go on.

Abdominal CPD


In our medical CPD section we cover a range of unusual or specific medical conditions which an Ambulance clinician may come across within the pre-hospital context. With numerous different medical conditions and specifics possible, a clinician needs to have a good knowledge and understanding of how to manage and treat these conditions.

Medical CPD


Medication plays a big role in the treatment and management plans of Ambulance clinicians. Patients’ long term care and health can also depend on what medications they are taking. As a result, pharmacology plays a very big part in the medical context as a whole. In this section we explore a number of different pharmacology CPD areas looking at different drugs for different conditions.

Pharmacology CPD

Cardiac Arrest:

Cardiac arrest can be seen as one of the main elements of Ambulance clinician training, with varying protocols and management available depending on the type and age of the patient. New elements and management for cardiac arrest are in development all the time as the medical profession continues to learn and improve its’ practice.

Cardiac Arrest CPD

Assessments and Skills:

Within the pre-hospital and Ambulance field there are various assessments and skills required by the Ambulance clinicians in order to effectively assess, manage, and treat patients. Over time it may be difficult for staff to continue to practice certain skills and assessments resulting in a skill and knowledge fade. In our assessments and skills section, we cover a range of CPD content focused at Ambulance clinicians.

Assessments & Skills

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