Childhood Rash Scenario

You are called to a 4-year-old male with a high fever and reported rash. On scene you are greeted by the concerned mother, she called as her son has been unwell for four days with fever, lethargy, acute cough and conjunctivitis. She has been managing well with Calpol and Nurofen and encouraging fluids like the GP advised a few days ago. However, today the fever has got much worse, and she has noticed a rash developing around the ears.

They have taken Calpol 3.5 hours ago and are due Nurofen but didn’t administer as she was advised to keep the patient nil by mouth. They are alert but lethargic. They have no significant past medical history except for colds/bronchiolitis. No regular medications. Normally fit and well and has been feeding and drinking ok, just the lethargy is making this more difficult.