Return of Spontaneous Circulation part 3

ROSC care further considerations: 

Thorax assessmentFurther to stabilising the patient and managing homeostasis, here are some further considerations: 

  • 4 H’s and T’s – Following the review of all primary survey factors, additional review of the 4 H’s and T’s can be helpful in furthering your efforts for patient stability. Work through each element and review how you are continually maintaining or reversing them 
  • Maintain continuous review of the patient and their observations. At any point, the patient could re-arrest or go into a shockable rhythm 
  • Plan ahead for further considerations at scene, for example, do you need advanced clinical support for managing a difficult airway, or do you need additional staff to help with extrication 
  • Review your extrication plan with the patient. Objects and furniture may need to be moved to allow for a clear route to the ambulance, or you may need to get additional equipment to extricate the patient horizontally 
  • Review the most appropriate hospital for your patient depending on the arrest aetiology and patient stability 

As discussed at the start, different organisations/trusts have different guidelines and practices in place when it comes to ROSC management. Review your local guidelines to ensure you are working within your scope of practice and managing the best care for the patient.